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NYU Center for Data Science

Articles & Photos

DS3 Fair
CDS Faculty & Staff at the DS3 Fair
DS3 Fair
New Student Orientation
DS3 Fair
New Student Orientation
DS3 Fair
Lunch Seminar
New Student Orientation

NYU's CDS is a world-leading data science training facility. 

While employed as NYU's Social Media Manager, Content Creator, and Departmental Photographer, MIAO's articles and photos were published on CDS's Medium, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

Articles by MIAO

Breathe for Science: Detecting Respiratory Disease in Breathing Patterns

NYU Public Safety Lab's Jail Data Initiative Steps Up: Incarceration and COVID-19

NYU CDS Incredible Alumni: Alexandre Sablayrolles

CDS Faculty Fellow Sebastian Schelter Appointed to Kickstart AI Platform

Responsible Data Science: Charting New Pedagogical Territory

NYU CDS Incredible Alumni: Alex Simonoff

CDS Holds First Open House for Affiliates

NYU CDS Incredible Alumni: Manoj Kumar

"HIGAN: Cosmic Neural Hydrogen with Generative Adversarial Networks" NeurIPS Workshop

Nan Wu: Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening

CDS Holds Data Science and Software Services (DS3) Matchmaking Fair

NYU CDS Incredible Alumni: Yassine Kadiri

Rajesh Ranganath: Recipient of 2018 Savage Award from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis at the Joint Statistical Meeting

Angela Teng: The Data Resource

A Message from Master-in-the-Making: Sree Govindaprasad

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